Ironman Arizona 2010

Ironman Arizona 2010

Friday, May 28, 2010

My lightbulb moment . . . . . .

I've been thinking lately about why I struggle mentally on my bike.   I think the trouble started when my neck started hurting on the long rides and then it progressed to just a bad attitude and negative thoughts about cycling.  Honestly, it got to the point where I dreaded riding at all.  In the last month I have really enjoyed cycling and realized my neck is still uncomfortable but my attitude has changed.  That was my lightbulb moment!! 

It's really simple when looking back but it's impossible to see when you're in the middle of it.  I fully expect to have good and bad days on my bike, but I feel strongly that my mental attitude will take the drama out of my rides.

Now that I've made friends with my fantastic Felt bike, I think it is time to name her . . . . . maybe it is actually a year overdo!!   I got my bike right before my dear mom passed away, and I've just had a block on naming her.  I wasn't able to physically pick up my bike from the bike shop for a few weeks out of heartbreak for my mom, and that has stayed with me all this time.  Grief is an interesting thing.

I don't know yet what I'll name my bike, but when I hear it, I'll know it is right!

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."

I miss you, mom. 

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