Ironman Arizona 2010

Ironman Arizona 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The First Post

Well, if you're reading this, you're probably pretty surprised that I'm doing another Ironman, especially one this year.   I have a plan . . . . . (I hear Sandy and Julie snickering at my now infamous saying) . . . . .  but I really do have a plan.   Since all my favorite runners are training for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, D.C. this October and I can't do that race because I'm doing the Miami Half Ironman on the same weekend, I am going to do IMAZ and be able to train with them.  My plan also involves focusing on running for 2011 and taking a break from triathlon, at least the long distances.  Another reason I'm doing IMAZ (Ironman Arizona) is I really NEED to do another Ironman, after my disaster training for Ironman St. George - that is another blog for another day how that messed with my head.   Bye - I guess that's how you sign off . . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Hi.
    I am a long time reader but a first time commenter.
    How about a little Who What When Where Why on this Ironman thingy.

    Dan from Delaware
